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/Health & Body​/Communication​


I am very passionate about human beings, our lives, the way we think, what makes us who we are, and what creates the imbalance. A lot of times we ignore the spiritual pull on our lives. I am not talking about religion, but the voice within that calls us to seek a higher understanding, a higher power. If you are having struggles in the spiritual balance of life, contact me so we can talk about it


Having trouble with conflict, relationships, family? One thing I have learned, if people are not ready to change or to listen, no amount of Life Coaching, problem resolution meetings will make a difference. However, with the right approach paired up with the participant's desire to see change, then change can happen. My Coaching services can help with that.


In addition to my other life experiences, I am also a Registered Nurse, I am proud to say I started my career in the medical field ten years ago as a Patient Companion, a Nurse assistant, a Medical Assistant where I worked for 2 years in Pediatric care and now as a Registered Nurse. I understand the world of medicine and am happy to explain it to those that need the extra knowledge. 

Private Life Coaching

Seminars & Workshops


(Skype, telephone, Face Time)

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