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I recently had a discussion with some friends about the topic of abuse, this is what I had to say

" 1) Both the abuser and the abused are both victims of the phenomenon of "brokenness" but dwelling on opposite sides of a double-edged sword, the sword cuts and bleeds their life's blood either direction you swing it.


.2) Both suffer from a build-up, sometimes subtle, sometimes forceful, of a consistent inability to manage and handle the conflicts and pressures of life, the expression of the inability in the case of the abuser/abused is manifested per the appellation:, some people abuse and others break under abuse. Different manifestations of the inability to handle conflict (be it internal conflict or moral conflict)


.3) EVERY demographic, social strata or class, gender is susceptible to abuse


.4) THE DANCE OF ABUSE: Two or more emotionally weak people, one of them emerges the stronger of the weak, feels a sense of false power next to the weaker one and in order to maintain that high and feeling that they are not inadequate, they terrorize and abuse the weaker one, so they can feed their seeming power. The abused weaker one slowly and systematically gets their power, self-confidence stripped from them in the presence of the abuser. He or she is their proverbial Kryptonite. In other areas in life both the abused and the abuser may appear to have it all together, beside each other they assume the roles they have learned to play. The destructive dance cycle begins or continues where it left off, DANCE OF THE BROKEN


NOTE: If you are in an abusive relationship or if you do not know if what you are going through is abuse, a personality clash, an incident, a pattern, a habit, contact me. It helps to just even talk about it to someone and have peace of mind where you stand



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 I am so excited about this year 2014, will you join me in the excitement at the visions we have, dreams we dare not tell everyone, dreams that frighten even our minds, the unknown, but the high possibility of achieving those dreams. Send me your stories

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